Friday, June 23, 2006


I've always disliked Toronto. Not because of what it is but because of what it was. It was a city linked to an industry and a company I have left behind for good. It was a city of regional sales meetings, national sales meetings, sales trainings, corporate suck-ups and wannabees.

I discovered what Toronto is a few weekends ago when Hubby had a medical meeting to attend (Oh! The irony.) It is a diverse, vibrant city with friendly, eclectic people; clean pot-hole-free streets; great restaurants (George's discovery menu is a must, Fune makes very good sushi); and absolutely great shopping (2 pairs of shoes, 1 skirt, 1 jacket, 3 pairs of pants, 1 shirt, 1 tie and 1 set of Vuitton city guides later.) There is a rich cultural scene, which we have yet to discover. Le Germain's shower having kept us rather occupied...

I discovered alot of new things in Toronto.

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